View the response to a green, yellow, red or black flag of the Sensoa Flag System.

Green flag: how to respond?

  1. Don't stop the behaviour.  
  2. There's no need to respond to healthy behaviour. If you do respond, send out a positive message.  
  3. Name or question what you see or hear.  
  4. Respond empathetically: discuss the feelings of all involved.  
  5. Affirm the behaviour. Explain why.   

Green flag Sensoa Flag System

Yellow flag: how to respond? 

  1. Stop behaviour or distract. 
  2. Name or question what you see or hear.  
  3. Discuss the feelings of all involved.  
  4. Affirm the aspects of the behaviour that are positive and explain why.  
  5. Limit the aspect that is not OK and explain why.  
  6. Agree on how things can be done and how to address them. 

Yellow flag Sensoa Flag System

Red flag: how to respond? 

  1. Stop the behaviour.  
  2. Name the behaviour.  
  3. Ask about the perceptions of all involved.  
  4. Affirm the behaviour: what is OK and why.  
  5. Limit the behaviour: say or show what is not okay and why.   
  6. Negotiate agreements: how to deal with this in the future?  
  7. Monitoring: increase supervision, suggest measures.  
  8. Register internally.  
  9. Provide follow-up care. 

Red flag Sensoa Flag System

Black flag: how to respond?

  1. Stop the behaviour.  
  2. Name the behaviour. 
  3. Ask about the perceptions of all involved.  
  4. Affirm the behaviour: what is OK and why.  
  5. Limit the behaviour: say or show what is not okay and why.  
  6. Negotiate agreements: how to deal with this in the future?  
  7. Monitoring: increase supervision and act on measures.  
  8. Register internally and externally. 
  9. Provide follow-up care. 

Black flag Sensoa Flag System